Norway BASE heliboogie & Acro World Cup in Vekko

Norway it's one of the most epic spots on earth for BASE Jumping and Paragliding! Deep in the fiords at Kjerag every year its taking place the heliboogie event with more than 300 jumpers from all over the world, for Veso was a dream come true to join his friends  such as Kennio Dominguez from Brazil and many more.. The jumping  was every day for 3-4 times per day! Thanks to the long days Veso could enjoy also  acro paragliding after the jumps with the white nights. Life is good, thanks to everyone who makes it possible! After the heliboogie event they move to Voss where the Extreme Sport Week Vekko was going on, and was hosting World Cup Tour for the Acro Paragliding there, Veso finish this time 7th. Overall  

Ekstremsportveko 2017, Today’s Video - TUESDAY 270617 from Ekstremsportveko on Vimeo.

Check Paragliding parth after 10th minute!